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Monday, November 9, 2009

Magnet boards

This was my first magnet board. It is HUGE, 2 feet by 3 feet. I glued the metal to 1/4" plywood (to back the metal so it wouldn't bend all over), glued the fabric so it covered the metal face, built the frame, painted it, assembled, viola! This one will have pictures of my family, important phone numbers, lists, things not to forget, etc. With really cool magnets
Second magnet board, much smaller: 10"x 19". The metal was also thicker, so I didn't need to back it with plywood. This one is our "Love caps" board, a point system to keep track of our loving acts as a family.
And this is one that is not yet finished. This picture is you give you an idea of what it will look like. This is just fabric glued around the metal sheet. I thought I'd just put it on the wall like that, but when I was done, didn't like it, decided it needed some dimension. So I decided to get some skinny pieces of wood and hot glue to the back, so it would stick out of the wall some. I wish now that I would have thought of this before, because I would have put the wood on the metal, THEN glued the fabric on around the wood. It would look like a painting hung without a frame. This one will be in my room with goals magneted up.

this one is from etsy, looks like something that would be helpful by the door. endless ideas found on etsy, exposed metal.

Modern Magnetic Frame Vintage Door Knob Metal Art Flower

Megan will you post a picture of your magnet board? Hers is a frame for pictures. The metal is left exposed, big wide frame. Very cute.

So ladies, there are two routes for you to go:

1. Alisha's choice (second to last picture) of 8x18 metal
I'll buy the metal, you'll owe me $6
I'll supply the wood to go around the behind edge (I've got a bunch lying around)
I'll supply the hot glue
You supply the fabric if you're using it

2. Customized board
What size?
Frame or no? Painted, stained?
Fabric or exposed metal?
You talk with me and I'll help you plan it, you buy all the supplies, you bring it all next Thursday.

Tell me in your comment what you want.

Now, there's the little issue of making magnets.


  1. Hey Alisha, I want to do the long skinny magnet board you are doing. If you can get metal for me, that would be great. Could you actually get me enough metal to do two?

  2. Yes, I'll get metal for you to do two. Yeah! I'm glad someone commented and is coming!

  3. Hello Alisha--

    I'm planning to be there next Thurs. I decided my kitchen wall needs a ginormous magnet board so I'm going to try to do a 2'x3' one like your first, and I will get the stuff for it. Questions for you:

    1) Is there a certain kind of metal and a thickness for the metal that you would recommend?
    2) Is there any good fabric store around here that I can go to without going all the way to the JoAnns in Cool Springs?

  4. Rebekah, there ia a store called Textile Fabrics on Franklin Road (8th) that has amazing fabrics, but it is fairly expensive (like $10/yard). Great ribbon there too.

  5. Don't get aluminum. Magnets will not stick to it. Get steel. They have it at Home Depot or Ace Hardware/Lumber on Thompson Lane. You'll need:
    wood for frame - call me if you want help determining how much wood. You'll have to have a frame for that big of metal, I don't know how else you'd hang it on the wall.
    1/4 inch plywood the size of your metal - we can cut it to size if it's not exact.
    And lastly you'll need an appointment with Alisha or your husband to help you make your frame. This can be done after craft night.

    I'd like to bear my testimony that Textile Fabrics has the most excellent, most expensive, biggest selection of make you drool fabric.

  6. Cool. I'll need to use your table saw or something to cut the plywood to size, but I think Conrad would be excited to help me make the frame. He loves any excuse to use the compound miter saw.

    Thanks and I'll see you Thurs.!

  7. Alisha-

    If we want to do a magnet board with a frame, how do we go about that? Do we cut it, then go home and paint, paint first, etc? I am a complete and total novice :)


  8. Mary, I think the best way will be to come Thurs, make your board and magnets, then on Thurs. I'll help you figure out a supply list for your frame and then we'll make an appointment for you and I to meet one on one and we'll make the frame together. Sound good? Ask more questions if you have them.

  9. Sounds good. For the board, will I just have to have the fabric to glue on to it?

  10. Yes, just the fabric, IF you want to cover in fabric. I think I have 1/4 inch plywood to back it.
